Students & Parents
Staff Resources
Welcome to the Hinton High School Counseling website. Mrs. Clausen will continually update information about post secondary resources, academic testing, scholarship opportunities, and the Navigator individual career and academic portfolio access. If you are considering becoming a Hinton 7-12 student, please contact Mrs. Clausen.
Julie Clausen
7-12 Counselor (712) 947-4328
Hinton High School Code: 162040
Click HERE for a list of available scholarships. This includes the link for the Last Dollar Scholar which is the free money for students going into high need career areas.
Ask Ms. Diane Fay in the HS office for US Mail traditional mailing
Ask Mrs. Clausen to email or upload a transcript. This is the easiest,fastest method.
Navigator Career Assessment Link Below
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Iowa College Access Network : Career and College Information, Scholarships, FAFSA information and more.