Blackhawks roll 74-56 over River Valley!

Lady Blackhawks roll 79-26 over River Valley! Way to go ladies!! HAWK POWER

Hinton Hope Relay for Life Team will be sponsoring the Coaches vs Cancer event on Friday, Jan 17th. This year's color will be purple for pancreatic cancer. Use the following link to order a shirt. https://shirtsoffourbacks.tuosystems.com/stores/coachesvscancer

Blackhawks roll tonight with a 92-57 win at AW

AEA will be conducting hearing screens the last week of January. Preschool-5th grade, 8th grade, any new students to the district, and any known hearing loss students will be screened. If your student does not fall into these categories and you have concerns, please call Nurse Tina at 947-4327

7TH GRADERS Don't forget to bring your rough draft to class tomorrow as we are peer editing.

New Years Day early morning scrimmage with Sheldon. Happy New Year!

Mrs. Obbink and her 2nd graders also played Let It Snow #breakoutedu. Encountered some challenges but persevered and did out! Very proud of their effort! Great job Blackhawks!

Mrs. Turner's 2nd graders had their chance at Let It Snow #breakoutedu and nailed it in just under 9 min. Did an amazing job working together and were positive! Well done Blackhawks!

Blackhawks beat HLP 71-64 for a great road win!

Lady Blackhawks win tonight 71-19 over HLP! Nice road win!

Congratulations to the 4-5-6 Students of the month for December! What a great group! Merry Christmas Blackhawk Nation!

Hinton Robothawks are collecting non-perishable items for local food banks. Donations are being collected Saturday from 10-1 at the Elem. School. Feel free to stay and watch Hinton compete against other local school at our home tournament, admission is free. Good luck FTC 6638!

Friday, January 17th will be the annual Coaches vs Cancer event at the varsity basketball game. If you would like the name of a loved one who has been affected by cancer added to the event, email krista.nelson@hintonschool.com.

My homeroom students spreading some Christmas cheer. Making a family's Christmas a little brighter and learning an important life skill! How to wrap presents. GREAT JOB BY ALL! Have a wonderful Christmas break everyone.

Thanks Class of 2019 for coming back to share on the College Panel with our senior class.

The tradition continues... Third grade Willy Wonka play practice. Tomorrow we present to our families!

There is more free post secondary education than ever before for our students.
WITCC just added Auto Mechanic and Fire Science to the free program list due to state shortages. Email Mrs. Clausen for the complete list.

The agriculture industry needs skilled technicians! Titan, Murphy USA and John Deere all have programs to pay for your education and guarantee employment. Pay is rising because there is a shortage.

Join us tonight for Hinton's annual Silent Night game! Wear your ugly sweater and don't forget your Christmas cheer!