March 31, 2021
The April Newsletter just went live with a brand new look!
Check it out at https://www.smore.com/80d7t

February 26, 2021
Algebra and Geometry - Mr. Casey Crawford
Business Office News - Mrs. Val Kovarna
Music In Our Schools Month - Mr. Dustin Rusche
PBIS Students Of The Month - February ...

February 19, 2021
Check out the following information regarding the special election on the Voted PPEL. Thank you

February 17, 2021
Please call Mr. Slater at (712) 947-4329 or email at ken.slater@hintonschool.com - Click the following link: https://www.smore.com/3csgt

February 17, 2021
Current members: your fob has been activated and you may use Wellness Center as you did before. Please follow the rules below.
Membership Terms and Conditions
The Hinton...
February 2, 2021
Hinton Schools will be implementing Virtual Learning on future Snow Days when possible. Building principals will be sending out more information on what that will mean for their ...

January 29, 2021
ACT Prep English Electives PBIS Students Of The Month - January 2021 PK-3 Chalkboard Senior Checklist - February 2021 Yearbook Sale
January 8, 2021
Greetings Blackhawks! I wanted to share the Governor's latest proclamation with you as it pertains to high school events. Below is a portion of Governor Reynolds's latest procla...

December 31, 2020
6th Grade - Box Tops Crayon Scratch Art Middle School Reading Class PBIS Students Of The Month - December 2020 Senior Checklist - January 2021

November 30, 2020
Industrial Technology
JV Football Season Wrap-Up
Kid-Friendly Podcasts
PBIS Students Of The Month - November 2020 PK-3 Chalkboard Chalkboard
Preschool - Building...

October 30, 2020
PK-3 Chalkboard 5th/6th TAG
ACT Testing - In-District
Fall Food Drive - Elementary
Living History in a Pandemic
Nursing News - November
PBIS Students Of The ...

October 23, 2020
Weather Related Delays, Closures, and Dismissals.
I wanted to give you a quick run through of the process of making weather related decisions for school delays, closure, or...

October 5, 2020
Greetings Blackhawks:
I wanted to introduce myself to the Hinton community as I begin serving as the interim superintendent for the 2020-2021 school year. The Hinton and Rive...

October 1, 2020
PK-3 Chalkboard
4th Grade - Tree-rific
7th Grade - Social Studies - If I Were Mayor Essay Contest
7-12 Band - Meet Mr. Jaynes
PBIS Students Of The Month - Septembe...
July 2, 2020
Here is the link to the introduction video from our new 7-12 principal, Mr. Goetstouwers: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=275265200248380
April 22, 2020
Important information about returning supplies, student check out, graduation and prom can be found using the following link. https://drive.google.com/open?...
April 20, 2020
Important update regarding Hinton's driver education program. https://drive.google.com/open?...
April 3, 2020
Please refer to the following letter for updated information on the school closure. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1fobXKOaov67mCWQEE_Kn7z5eR7wiLbJc